So in the excitement (smile & nod) of the past few weeks I managed to miss something very important. Very. Important. And quite frankly, readers, I'm a little disappointed that no one tuned me in on this little happening, a-hem.

Okay so typing in capital letters and exclamation points makes me feel like I'm being all yelly and shouty and awwwesome, but I think that it probably isn't capturing the true essence of my excitement over this. The only way to really convey exactly how ecstatic I am over this collaboration (in stores December 20th!), darling readers, is to see it put into motion by a redheaded half-pint in pajamas:
(I think that I would totally have one of these too, by the way, if there were some sort of guarantee that it would pop out of my uterus being slightly tubby and redheaded and rhythmic. Oh! And wearing plaid pants. I don't think science has quite gotten that far yet, though. Bumm-er.)
(It'd also have to not poop and understand that it needs to be completely self-sufficient by the age of 12 and on its own by 13. We're not doing that teenager thing here, oh hellz no. Once it's done being cute, it's out the door. Come on science I am waiting.)
(Which is why I like chihuahuas. THEY ARE NEVER DONE BEING CUTE ha ha HAAAAA!)
(I...might still be popping pain meds for my tooth or lack thereof. It hurts.)
(Shut up, Chloe.)
So. Uhh. I digress. Rodarte! Target! And Anna Sui arriving in stores (& online) September 13th. Fun times for Target, yes indeed.
Oh! And the Christian Siriano for Payless shoes arrived last week- pictures & a review will be up Monday!
Until then- I LIKE THAT BOOM BOOM POW. And he also really likes to spank himself. Aww, squeak sooocutegush.
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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.
I dropped by my local Target to see for myself if the merchandise lived up to the hype. PS--I did pick up that dress that I dropped to the ground ;-)
I can't believe MAC had the audacity to be a part of this crap! I am so pissed by this! Rodarte claims the inspiration for the this collection came from a road trip they went on from El Paso to Marfa, a town in West Texas. Juárez is located in northern Mexico, near this part of Texas. What do you think about this entire situation? Do you think a small donation like 100K is enough to silence these people and to allow MAC and Rodarte to get away with their ignorance? Leave a comment! Love, ~sP Read here about the shocking death toll since 2008: MAC's Latest Official Statement: ''We understand that product names in the M·A·C Rodarte collection have offended our consumers and fans. This was never our intent and we are very sorry. We continue to listen carefully to the comments we have received and have the following plans to address concerns: We are committed to donating $100,000 to a non-profit organization that has a proven, successful track-record helping women in need and that can directly improve the lives of women in Juarez in a meaningful way. We are changing the product names in the M·A·C Rodarte collection. As we have done in the past, please be assured that we will communicate details regarding our progress in this matter''. ***Disclaimer*** All (or any if mentioned) of the products featured in my video were all purchased with my own money. I receive no compensation nor do have any affiliation with the company and/or companies mentioned. All of my reviews are brutally honest, whether it pleases the brand or not. I keep it real! ~sP
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