Week 20 :: Rainy Day

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I love me a good thunderstorm; don't you?

I didn't always. In Hawaii, thunderstorms don't happen often - the tradewinds are so strong, they blow clouds right across the islands. Rain in Hawaii is full of soft drops, and only lasts for a little while. When we moved to Texas, it was a completely different story. Rain here isn't always soft; sometimes it's hard and rough, sometimes it's violent. Sometimes it's moody, sometimes it brings hail or flash floods, and sometimes it cloaks tornados.

Grade school here included tornado drills in addition to fire drills, and jobs required you to know the safe places. I've learned to watch the clouds for a particular greenish yellow shade, which could spell trouble in the sky. It took a while to acclimate, but I can appreciate a really good thunderstorm now.

Rainy days are "cuddle up with a good book" time.

Rainy days are an excuse to rejuvenate and rest.

Rainy days make me appreciate the sun even more.

How do you use a rainy day?

Want to see some rainy day inspired Etsy picks? Come stop by my Rainy Days Treasury. And if you're in the US, Happy Memorial Day!

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http://motorcycle-accessories.cruisercustomizing.com/search?w=Rain+Gear+&asug=&model_id=0&search2=Go Kyle Bradshaw of Cruiser Customizing talks about how you can stay dry in the hot summer rain as well as the cold winter rain. He covers the body, the legs, the hands, and the feet. In addition he talks about his personal evolution with the testing and usage of the different types of rain gear.

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