I always love receiving and sharing meme awards, because its a great opportunity to see new blogs, introduce my favorite bloggers to each other, and check in with my sometimes neglected reading list to see whats new. With the Kreativ Blogger Award, I also get a chance to share a little about myself. Here are the rules:
2. Thank the person who gave it to me.
3. Link to the person who gave this to me.
4. Share a list of 7 things that you probably don't know about me.
5. Choose 7 great bloggers to give the award to.
6. Share a link to their blogs.
7. Leave a comment on their blog.
So, here are seven totally random facts about me:
- I absolutely adore summer. Summer sunlight seems to trap my memories more than anything else. Whenever the weather starts to warm up, I remember so many of my favorite moments.
- One of my proudest moments as a mother was when my 20 month old son picked up a piece of litter at the park and put it in the trash can.
English Bluebells photographed on a Mother's Day nature walk.
- Im a terrible housekeeper. My house is only tidy when I have a few hours notice of company coming. Id rather be beading or blogging than putting away toys and arranging cushions.
- Im terrified of elaborate beadwork. I know that I could do it if I tried, but I just cant bring myself to spare so many beads!
- Several years ago, I spent nearly 24 months creating a Persistent World multiplayer video game on the Neverwinter Nights platform called Realms II. By the time I was done, interest in the game had started to dwindle, and I had no audience to share my creation with. One of my lifes biggest regrets is never being able to see others playing it.
- I love fashion. Ever since I saw an episode of Project Runway, clothing design has been a casual interest of mine. I have no sewing skills and no fashion sense, but I love seeing what others can do.
- I love reading books with my son. We visit the library as often as we can, and I let him grab whatever he wants off the shelves. He likes to read the same books over and over until I cant stand them anymore, and we trade them for new ones!
Thanks so much to Vicky for passing on the Kreative Blogger Award to Inspirational Beading. And now Im sharing it with these great bloggers:
Additions Style - Inspiration Infused with Creativity = Limitless Possibilities
Artful Living on the Bluff with Cindy Caraway - Live Simply, Make Stuff, Play Music, Save the Planet
Cristina Amador Handcrafted Jewelry
Daisy Chain Jewellery with Jo Southampton
The Lemondrop Tree - Live in Your Imagination
My Everything Corner
These are some of my favorite blogs, for various reasons. They all provide a great reading experience with plenty of inspiration. Enjoy!
Copyright 2010 Inspirational Beading and soapstar
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Title: Morgen: Viva Live ich komme !
Title: Viva Live Teil 1 - vom 21.10.2010
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