So... it's been a crazy past seven days. Busy, busy, busy! Lots of laughter and a couple hissy fits from the kids (...okay, fine, they were from me - I'm not a morning person), but I had an all-around fun time with my niece and nephew. I'll be home later on today, but I've gone ahead and reopened the shop right now. As for my Week 13 post, give me a couple days?
And thanks for playing along last week with the color palettes - I'll be responding to comments later on tonight and tomorrow. :)
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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.
Title: Paris 1999: Touching base with the Eiffel Tower
My favorite location in Paris was at the Eiffel Tower and Rob and I made it a point to get there at some point each and every day that we were in Paris. In this video I show myself touching the base of the Eiffel Tower along with a little bit of the ponds with ducks right next to it. August 26, 1999.
Title: Touching base
Just trying to touch base with all you guys! I will not promise... but I will try to post more often. I enjoyed doing this when I did, and I want to continue .... Please forgive me!
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