A mistake

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Personal travel photos + a texture overlay from Kim Klassen

I totally screwed up yesterday. Well, I screwed up a little while ago and did something I wasn't suppose to, but it was brought to my attention yesterday. The matter's been resolved, and the manner in which it was brought up was gentle and private, but I still feel like a jerk. A jerk and a hypocrite, and there's only myself to blame.

I had a Tip Share for today, but I'm going to put it off for a week or so; I'm a little distracted, and I'm on a gift-making deadline. Instead, I thought I'd share some photos of one of my favorite places - Waikiki - in an effort to lift the spirits. Oh, how I wish I was headed there soon; I like floating in the ocean and daydreaming. I'll be heading in the exact opposite direction in a week, but I'll be thinking of trade winds.

See you tomorrow.

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